Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures
by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D.
Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures (formerly entitled Messianic Christology, now freshly reformatted with an updated introduction) is a study of prophecy concerning the First Coming of the Messiah. Dr. Fruchtenbaum works his way through the Hebrew Scriptures and shows from The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings how the revelation of the Messiah gradually progressed and built-up to reveal a magnificent picture of the Deliverer to come.
When the messianic expectations of Hebrew prophecy are fully understood, it becomes clear who alone can fulfill these requirements.
Do You Know?
- That Chavah (Eve) mistakenly thought she had given birth to the promised God-Man?
- That there are two distinct prophesies in Isaiah 7, one to the wicked king Ahaz and another to the whole house of David?
- That Daniel 9 is only one of seven prophesies that insist upon Messiah’s appearance on earth before a very significant historical event?
- That the covenant recorded in II Samuel 7 refers to a different person than the parallel passage in I Chronicles 17?
- Why Lamech believed his son was to be the Messiah?
Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures is an absorbing study that will answer these and many more questions, strengthen your faith, bless your heart, and invigorate your worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- Paperback: 200 pages
- Dimensions: 8.5” x 11”
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-33-2
Man and Sin: Understanding Biblical Anthropology and Hamartiology
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Come and See is a multi-volume collection of Messianic Bible studies that covers all topics of systematic theology. Volume 6 of this series deals with Anthropology, the nature and origin of man, and Hamartiology, the doctrine of sin.
The author’s unique focus of looking at the Scriptures from a Messianic Jewish and dispensational perspective adds an intriguing dimension to these fields of systematic theology. The questions and study suggestions at the end of the chapters will challenge anyone who desires to dig deeper into the Word of God.
- Paperback, glossy: 217 pages
- Dimensions: 6" x 9"
- ISBN: 978-1-951059-91-0
Maps of Israel - Revised & Updated
The Historical and Geographical Maps of Israel and Surrounding Territories
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
The revised 2018 edition includes added charts, tables, and pictures. The text has been edited and the format is more reader friendly. Also, now
in hardcover.
One of the foremost authorities on the nation of Israel, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum is a Messianic Jewish believer and the founder and director of Ariel
Ministries. He majored in Historical Geography of Israel at both the American School of Holy Land Studies and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, where
he lived during the Six-Day War.In 1989, he received his doctorate from New York University.
Having lived in Israel for three years, Dr. Fruchtenbaum's intensive study of the role of Israel in God's plan of redemption and his extensive knowledge of the history and geography of the land have made him a popular speaker, much in demand at Bible conferences and schools throughout the world.Since 1971, he has conducted more than forty extensive study tours, leading the participants through the entire land of Israel and the surrounding territories while teaching them from a biblical, historical, and geographical perspective.
Over the course of time, Dr. Fruchtenbaum developed this Bible atlas, and for decades, it has been used by the participants of his study tours on their journeys through Israel and the surrounding territories.This extensive resource features 97 full-cover maps of Israel, the Middle East, and the different empires that influenced the history of the Jewish people.The maps follow the chronology of the Scriptures as well as the post-biblical period and even Bible prophecy, leading the reader through millennia of history in the context of the geography of the Middle East.
This study tool will help you to explore the rich history and geography of Israel.It will strengthen your faith, equip you for your service, and deepen your love for the One who hold Israel in His hands.
- Hardcover
- 264 pages, full color maps and photographs.
- Dimensions: 9" x 11"
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-74-5
Sample Maps click below to preview:
- Old Testament — Map 34: Journeys of Elijah
- New Testament — Map 72: First Jewish Revolt 69-74 A.D.
- Eschatalogical — Map 96: The Campaign of Armageddon
Ruach HaKodesh: God the Holy Spirit
Messianic Jewish Perspectives on Pneumatology
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
The Come and See series is a multi-volume collection of Messianic Bible Studies. Volume 4 of this series deals with pneumatology and is a comprehensive study of God the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh). The author's unique focus of looking at the third Person of the Trinity from a Messianic Jewish perspective adds an intriguing dimension to this field of systematic theology.
The study examines the Person of the Holy Spirit as well as His deity, works, and gifts. It offers extensive insight into typology and answers important questions, such as whether believers can sin against the Holy Spirit and if only people who "speak in tongues" are truly saved. The questions and study suggestions at the end of the chapters will challenge anyone who desires to dig deeper into the Word of God.
- Paperback, glossy: 214 pages
- Dimensions: 6" x 9"
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-82-0
The Feasts and Fasts of Israel: Their Historical and Prophetic Significance
This work is devoted to those Jewish feasts and fasts that are observed on a yearly basis.
The introduction explores the historical background, function, and order of the Jewish calendar. This is followed by the first part of the book, which surveys the seven holy seasons of Israel. To set the stage, the sacrifices described in the book of Leviticus are presented, followed by an introduction of the holy seasons of Israel. Then, the festivals are studied one by one, beginning with Pesach and ending with Sukkot. The author explains how the holy seasons were to be celebrated in accordance with the Mosaic Law, how Rabbinic Judaism observes them, what their Messianic implications are, and how they have been or will be fulfilled in the Messianic program.
The second part of this commentary covers the post-Mosaic feasts of Israel, namely Chanukah and Purim. This is followed by a third part, which deals with Rosh Chodesh and Tisha B'Av, the minor Jewish feasts and fasts.
The commentary is based on Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum's decades of teaching and original research of the Talmudic source texts and the works of other scholars. Compiled and edited by Christiane K. Jurik, M.A., this work offers many practical graphs and illustrations which make it a helpful tool for those who seek to enhance their personal Bible study as well as for those who wish to prepare meaningful sermons and lectures.
- Hardcover: 445 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-80-6
Now back in stock.
The Footsteps of the Messiah: - Revised 2020 Edition
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
"The 2020 revision primarily focuses on correcting some formatting and spelling inconsistencies of the 2003-edition of this work as well as the editing of the text to improve its readability. Furthermore, it includes a new topical index as well as my altered view of II Thessalonians 2:3, which I developed after additional research of new scholarly work, such as Dr. Andy Woods' "The Falling Away - Spiritual Departure or Physical Rapture?", published in 2018 by Dispensational Publishing House."
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum - March 2020
Using the Book of Revelation as an end time road map, Dr. Fruchtenbaum weaves the prophetic writings of the Hebrew Scriptures and Messiah's teachings to reveal God's plan for the future of Israel and the world. Dr. Fruchtenbaum gathers the many pieces of the prophetic puzzle and places them in sequential order with the result summed up by Dr. Charles Ryrie in his foreword: "Those who read this book cannot help but be instructed and stimulated by his work."
Footsteps is detailed, thorough and scholarly, yet written in a style that the average reader can easily understand. With a wealth of wisdom drawn from his Jewish background and extensive research, the author even tackles the "problem passages" to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire range of prophetic truth."In a thoroughly biblical, balanced, and clear presentation, Arnold Fruchtenbaum plainly lays out God's plan for the future while avoiding the sensational errors of other prophetic writers. I have relied on this book as a resource for years." — Michael Rydelnik, Professor of Jewish Studies Program, Moody Bible Institute
- Hardcover: 816 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-951059-59-0
The Remnant of Israel: The History, Theology, and Philosophy of the Messianic Jewish Community
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Thirty-five years after the publication of Hebrew Christianity: Its Theology, History, and Philosophy, Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum has again surveyed the rapidly changing face of the Messianic Jewish Community. The Remnant of Israel: The History, Theology, and Philosophy of the Messianic Jewish Community, is an update on the growing and diversifying community of Jews who have found favor with God by receiving Jesus as Messiah. Written by a Messianic Jew for Jew and Gentile alike, here is an articulate survey of the biblical position of the Messianic Jew in the setting of community. Dr. Fruchtenbaum again assesses how this community is distinctive and how it relates to the Jewish people, the Law of Moses, the local church, the State of Israel, missions, and many other timely topics. The rapid growth of the Messianic Jewish community has provoked interest as well as offense. Here is what is happening in the lives of Messianic Jews and how they and their movement relate their faith to the rest of the world.
- Paperback: 179 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-07-3
The Soteriology of the Bible
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
Volume 7 of the Come and See series examines the crucial topic of “soteriology,” the doctrine of salvation. The theology of salvation stands at the heart of the Christian faith, and as this book shows, there is an essential relationship between the nature of salvation and the character of the God who provides salvation. Dr. Fruchtenbaum presents soteriology from a dispensational perspective, answering questions about the nature and results of the atonement wrought by the Messiah’s death. He examines controversial topics such as Arminianism and Calvinism and leads the reader to a better understanding of the dichotomy between free will and election through a detailed study of relevant biblical passages.
Dimensions: 6" x 9"
ISBN: 978-1-958552-07-0
What the Bible Teaches About Israel: Past, Present, and Future
An Abridged Version of Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Anyone who reads the Bible will soon realize that the Jewish people are the apple of God's eye. Israel, they will quickly see, is the centerpiece of divine, prophetic activity. Since God's Word places such an emphasis on this tiny nation, it seems only logical that the question of Israel is central for a proper understanding of the Scriptures. Some may ask: Hasn't the church replaced Israel? Aren't all born-again believers in Messiah Jesus "spiritual Jews"? Questions like these may only be answered on the basis of a proper systematic theology, one that includes a biblically developed Israelology. This work investigates four approaches to the theology of Israel past, present, and future, and scrutinizes beliefs that tend to confuse the identities of both Israel and the church.
The work is based on the author's dissertation titled, Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology and published by Ariel Ministries. The Biblical Evangelist called Israelology a "tremendous, masterful book. Amillennialism, postmillennialism, and other forms of covenant theology go up in smoke under the withering blaze of biblical light Fruchtenbaum places on them." The abridged version focuses on the heart of Dr. Fruchtenbaum's dissertation and offers a revised and updated text as well as charts and illustrations to enhance the understanding of this important study.
- Hardcover: 380 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-81-3
Yeshua: The Life of Messiah from a Messianic Jewish Perspective - The Abridged Version
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
During His ministry to the Jewish people, Yeshua (Jesus) journeyed throughout the land promised to the Jewish patriarchs, presenting Himself to the Jews as their Messiah. He was a Jew living in a Jewish land among the Jewish people. Yet, much of the knowledge of this Jewish society, its culture and traditions has grown dim with the passage of time. In this work, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum shines a bright light on the life of Yeshua and the land of Israel during the Second Temple period, interpreting the Gospels from a Messianic Jewish perspective. To achieve this, Dr. Fruchtenbaum had done original research in the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek source texts, and has also drawn on the works of other scholars and the writings of ancient rabbis.
It has taken about four decades of research and work for the account of the life and ministry of Yeshua the Messiah to come into its present form, published by Ariel Ministries in four volumes and an abridged version. The abridgment contains essentially the same material as the multi-volume set, but excludes the source texts for Dr. Fruchtenbaum's teaching. Ariel's Harmony of the Gospels provides the framework for his exegesis.
Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum holds a B.A. degree from Cedarville University in Hebrew and Hellenistics, a Th.M. degree in Hebrew and Old Testament Studies from Dallas Theological Seminary, and received his Ph.D. from New York University with the completion of his dissertation, Israelology: The Missing Link in Systematic Theology. He is the founding director of Ariel Ministries and a much respected biblical authority in evangelical and messianic circles.
- The Abridged Version
- Dimensions: 6" x 9"
- 712 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-75-2