The Feasts of Israel - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over eleven hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2009. At Mount Sinai, Moses instructed Israel how to observe seven annual festivals as a continual remembrance of God's faithfulness and provision. In addition, these set appointments provided a prophetic picture of Messiah's first and second coming. Your understanding of the Lord's festivals, often referred to as “The Feasts of the Israel”, will enhance immeasurably your ability to share the Gospel with the Jewish people you know. Professionally edited and divided into chapters corresponding to the teaching outline.
Please visit the exegetical outlines page. Print out all of The Feasts of Israel (The Feasts of the Lord) outlines, and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 11 hours, on 7 DVDs.

The Glorification of Man - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2011. The Bible teaches that God's purpose for man is to bring him into a state of glorification. Dr. Fruchtenbaum examines the glorification of man in four facets: the resurrection of the human body, the nature of the resurrection body, the state of glorification, and the restoration of man's authority. Professionally edited and divided into chapters corresponding to the teaching outline. Pop the DVD into your player and attend class when it's convenient for you! Move forward or backward through chapters to review lesson segments at anytime.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 31:32 minutes, on 1 DVD.

The Good News of Passover (Part One) - DVD
Making Sense of the Jews (Part Two)
by Pastor Jacques Isaac Gabizon
Over five and one half hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live at our global headquarters in 2009.
Part One: In the Scriptures, much stress is put onto the Feast of Passover. It commemorates the birth of the nation Israel, a time when God gave the Israelites a new calendar, a new law to live by, and most importantly, a feast which strongly links the nation of Israel with her Messiah. Today this all important perspective has been lost. This teaching will both help the Jew rediscover his biblical origins and carry the Gentile believer back to the roots of the doctrine of redemption.
Part Two: Is it possible for anyone to grasp the fundamental message of the Bible without considering one essential element that permeates throughout it, from Genesis to Revelation? Israel is found everywhere in Scripture and is not only connected with the Church's fundamental doctrines but is directly related to Jesus Christ who came from this nation. Today, while biblical Christianity has been salvaged by many godly men and women who were instrumental in bringing thousands to a saving knowledge, there still exists a great bias against the Jewish people. Jacques traces the history of Israel throughout its various dispersions and shows how it suffered and still suffers today in the hands of many true believers.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Jacques as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 5.7 hours, on 4 DVDs.

The Heimishe Spiritual Life - DVD
by Steven Charles Ger, Th.M.
A study of the principles of the spiritual life and spiritual warfare, together with the role of the Holy Spirit, the new nature; the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Print the course outline and follow along with Steven as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 4 hours, on 3 DVDs.

The Holocaust: History and Theology - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over six hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2007. This course covers the history of the Holocaust and interprets it from a biblical perspective. This study incorporating Jewish history affirms the reliability of Scripture, augments and further explains the Biblical narrative. It corrects misconceptions and prejudices regarding the Jewish people, as well as explains the Jewish opposition towards Christendom. Rabbi Baleston's teaching gives life to Jewish heritage, culture, values, and discusses the influence of Jewish History upon Western History. The student will better understand the God of History and His unique relationship to His covenant people.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Mottel as teaches the Word of God from a proper Messianic Jewish perspective.
Approximate Running Time: Over 06 hours, on 6 DVDs.

The Holy Spirit: Ministry, Gifts, and Other Delights - DVD
by Steven Charles Ger, Th.M.
An exposition of all passages dealing with this subject to show clearly what the Bible does or does not teach on the topic and to clarify what is or is not happening today.
Print the course outline and follow along with Steven as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 6 hours, on 5 DVDs.

The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
His earthly ministry was spent among Jewish people. He was crucified, buried, and then rose again to provide proof of His redemptive power to the Jew first and also to the Greek. Now, we must tell His story. Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum's entire ministry has been devoted to exploring and explaining the Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective to both Jews and Gentiles that have placed their faith in our Jewish Messiah. The Life of Messiah from a Jewish Perspective portrays Yeshua in His proper Jewish context as the long awaited King of the Jews and Savior of the world.
All 19 hours of this unparalleled series were recently recorded at Camp Shoshanah, and Dr. Fruchtenbaum has never taught more effectively. Every church, congregation, Christian school and home can now use this new Bible study resource to illuminate the life and ministry of Yeshua HaMaschiach, Jesus – the Christ. It is our deepest prayer that this DVD series will encourage and empower the Body of Messiah to effectively tell the story of our Jewish Messiah to all who will hear.A total of 13 DVDs. Professionally edited and divided into chapters corresponding to the teaching outline. Pop the DVD into your player and attend class when it's convenient for you! Move forward or backward through chapters to review lesson segments at anytime.
Print the exegetical outline which includes a list of the Twenty-Two Laws of the Sanhedrin Regarding Trials, and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 19 hours, on 13 DVDs.
COURSE CREDIT: You can receive Bible school or seminary credit for this class through Chafer Seminary. Please contact Bev@chafer.edu for details.

The Messenger - DVD
by Doron Eran.
The riveting story of Jacob Damkani, a Jew born in Israel, whose life of crime, drugs and certain death was forever altered when he discovered truth in the one place he would have never imagined.
"The Messenger" exposes the true conflict within the Jewish religion, as Jacob calls Israel to reevaluate Jesus in his Jewish context. The impression this film leaves on you can change your life and challenge everything you knew about Jesus, Israel and Christianity.
Approximate Running Time: 1 hour 13 minutes, on 1 DVD.

The Messiah and the Tabernacle - Temples - DVD
by Jeffrey Gutterman, Th.M.
Over eight hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2011. God chose the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to be a holy people to Him. After He redeemed them from slavery, He chose to dwell among them. The place where He met with them was in the Tabernacle that He commanded them to build in Exodus 25-30 and 35-40. This course examines the historic Tabernacle and its unmistakable connection with the Messiah of Israel. The various temples are also discussed in-depth: The Temple of Solomon, The Temple of Zerubbabel, The Second Temple - The Herodian Renovation, The Tribulation Temple, and The Millennial Temple.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Jeffrey as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: 8.4 hours, on 6 DVDs.

The Messiah in the Temple - DVD
by Dr. Roger Liebi
Over seven hours of solid Biblical teaching and concluding Q&A session, recorded live at our global headquarters in 2014.
Dr. Liebi’s “The Messiah in the Temple” is a profound work which uncovers the Second Temple sanctuary at Jerusalem during the time of Jesus Christ to clearly reveal astounding symbolism and its significant role in the New Testament. In this seminar, not only does Dr. Liebi share essential truths from his book, but he also discusses with crystal clarity the Third Temple as foreseen by the prophet Ezekiel.
“Roger Liebi has written the most extensive detailed but easy to understand work on the Second Temple, the Temple of Yhua’s Day. He describes every detail of the temple compound, its biblical and rabbinic practice, and its typology with the Person and Work of the Messiah. At the seminar he will give a vivid description of that temple that appears so frequently in the life of the Messiah and in the Book of Acts. I highly recommend all who are able to attend to do so and be ready for a great time of learning.” — Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Jerusalem in the year 30 is the religious center of Judaism. Join Dr. Liebi on a breathtaking walk through the streets of the Jewish metropolis and visit the Jewish Temple, the former architectural wonder of the ancient world. There you will experience an encounter with the Messiah Jesus from Galilee! Using a marvelous model of the Second Temple (based on the very latest archaeological excavations and discoveries on the Temple Mount) you’ll be introduced to the symbolism of the Temple in light of the New Testament, and many of places mentioned there will come to life before your eyes in a very vivid way:
- The Portico of Solomon (Acts 5:12)
- the Middle Wall of Partition (Eph. 2:14)
- the Beautiful Gate (Acts 3,2)
- the Gate of the Firstborn, where the child Jesus had been presented (Luke 2:22)
- the Chel, where the twelve year old Jesus sat among the scholars (Luke 2:41)
- the Pinnacle of the Temple (Luke 4:9)
- the Portico of Treasury (John 8,20)
- the place of Sanhedrin, where the trial of Jesus took place (Mat. 26:59)
- and the steps of the northern Portico leading to the Antonia Fortress, where Paul gave his personal testimony (Acts 21:40).
On Tuesday evening before the crucifixion, Jesus Christ was on the Mount of Olives. In plain view of the Temple area, he gave an astonishing summary of the future of the Second Temple and the signs of the end times (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). The already since long time fulfilled prophecies about the destruction of the Temple give the clue to a correct understanding of the End time signs. Dr. Liebi answers the questions: Where do we stand today? Can we classify the current events in the prophetic panorama of the Holy Scriptures?
Approximate Running Time: 7.25 hours, on 6 DVDs (includes bonus CD containing PowerPoint slides).

The Olivet Discourse - DVD
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Over five hours of solid Biblical teaching. This Discipleship Training Seminar was recorded live at our global headquarters in 2009. The writers of the Old Testament, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, provided believers with many prophetic facts concerning what events will lead up to the last days. They inform us as to what will transpire before both the Rapture of the Bride of Messiah, and Yhua's Second Coming heralding the one thousand year Messianic Kingdom. Yhua answered a number of questions that His disciples had concerning the timing of these events. The Olivet Discourse contains Yhua's sobering confirmation of the what the Jewish prophets foretold.
Print the exegetical outline and follow along with Dr. Fruchtenbaum as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 05 hours, on 3 DVDs.

The Plan of The Ages - DVD
by Messianic Rabbi, Mottel Baleston
Over six hours of solid Biblical teaching, recorded live during Camp Shoshanah 2008. Throughout history God has dealt with Israel and the Nations in different ways but always on the basis of His Covenant promises for that dispensation of time. The sweep of Scripture becomes clear as this key to the Bible is understood.
Print the exegetical outline and corresponding chart and follow along with Mottel as he teaches the Word of God.
Approximate Running Time: Over 06 hours, on 5 DVDs.