Commentary Series: The Book of Isaiah
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
The book of Isaiah is one of the most popular and fascinating books of the Hebrew Scriptures. Its author, Isaiah, is often called the prince of prophets, for he wrote with extraordinary beauty and imagery. His work is full of facts about the society of Israel around the year 700 B.C. Its chief value, however, lies in the abundance of prophecy, ranging from near to far prophecies and everything in between. Like no other author before him, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum has dissected the various levels of prophecy and provided a meticulous exegesis of the text.
His theological orientation remains strictly dispensational with a pretribulational view of the rapture and is presented from a Messianic Jewish perspective. In his work, the author has consulted the great rabbis of the past and reproduced their viewpoints wherever appropriate. The result is a fascinating commentary that leaves no doubt that Isaiah foresaw both the first and second coming of the Jewish Messiah, as well as the final restoration of Israel in preparation for the Messianic kingdom.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 872 pages
- Approximate download file size is 3.4 MB
Commentary Series: The Book of Joshua (epub)
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
The book of Joshua was written to document the Israelites' conquest of the Promised Land. It picks up the history of the Jewish people where Deuteronomy left off and covers the time period from the conquest to the settlement, from Moses to Judges. The book of Joshua does not merely trace the acts of one man or the history of a people, but it also shows how after the death of Moses, the faithful, covenant-keeping God fulfilled for Israel the promises made to the patriarchs.
The author details the rapidly moving historical narrative of Joshua and comments on it from a Messianic Jewish perspective. His work is replete with visual aids for the reader, such as maps, charts, and tables. The result is a handy, up-to-date commentary on a fascinating period in the history of the Jewish people..
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 329 pages
- Approximate download file size is 6.5 MB
Commentary Series: The Book of Romans (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
The epistle to the Romans is unique, being the first time in history that theology had been systematized in written form. The first eight chapters in Paul’s theological treatise deal with the theology of God’s righteousness. No human being can meet God’s standards of righteousness, yet He has provided righteousness through salvation in Yeshua the Messiah, which includes justification, sanctification, and glorification. Thus, the chapters end with Paul’s assurance that absolutely nothing can separate believers from the love of God.
Before going on to apply these truths to the believer’s life (chapters 12-16), Paul first addresses God’s righteousness in His relationship with Israel (chapters 9-11), for at the end of chapter 8, the believer might wonder what was to become of God’s many promises to Israel that had been laid out in the Hebrew Bible. Israel today is largely a people in a state of unbelief. It does not appear that God’s promises to His people were kept in Paul’s day, let alone two thousand years later. If this was or is true of Israel, how can the believer today trust that there is indeed nothing that can separate him from the love of God? If the gospel is for the Jews first, as Paul writes in Romans 1:16, why are so few Jews saved? How do Gentiles know they can trust God if His promises to Israel have not been fulfilled?
In this commentary, Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum addresses these and other critical issues whose proper understanding can truly revolutionize any believer’s walk with the Lord. The author is the foremost Messianic Jewish scholar of this generation and is therefore well qualified to discuss the Jewish context of the epistle to the Romans. As a dispensational theologian, he offers his readers a truly unique commentary that draws them closer to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- E-pub file for e-book readers
- 408 pages
- Approximate download file size is 1.68 MB
Commentary Series: The Messianic Jewish Epistles E-Book (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Of the twenty-one epistles in the New Testament, five were written to Jewish believers dealing with their specific needs and issues in mind. There are things in these epistles applicable to all believers, but some are true only of Jewish believers. The epistles are Hebrews, James, I & II Peter, and Jude.
The first century Messianic Jewish community was faced with two major problems: persecution and false doctrine. To deal with the first problem of persecution, Hebrews, James, and I Peter were written. Persecution took place both within the Land of Israel and among the Jewish believers of the Diaspora, Diaspora - being a technical term for Jews living outside the Land of Israel (e.g., James 1:1; I Peter 1:1). The book of Hebrews was written from within the Diaspora in order to deal with the persecution of Jewish believers in the Land of Israel. The epistles of James and I Peter were written in order to deal with the persecution of Jewish believers in the Diaspora; James written from within the Land of Israel, and I Peter written from within the Diaspora itself.
To deal with the second problem of false doctrine, two other epistles were written: II Peter and Jude. Second Peter was written from one part of the Diaspora to Jewish believers in another part of the Diaspora. Jude was written from within the Land of Israel to Jewish believers in the Diaspora.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 478 pages
- Approximate download file size is 873KB
De Voetstappen Van De Messias
Footsteps of the Messiah in Dutch (epub)
Tim LaHaye, schrijver van o.a. de bekende serie Left Behind (de Laatste Bazuin), schreef over De Voetstappen van de Messias: "Dr. Fruchtenbaum benadert het moeilijke onderwerp van de eindtijd theologie op een verrassend logische en systematische manier. Het resultaat is een boek dat interessant is voor de leek maar ook voor de ervaren onderzoeker."
Discovering The Mystery of The Unity of God (PDF)
by John B. Metzger
Discovering the Mystery of the Unity of God provides an eye-opening exploration of the triune nature of God from the pages of the Old and New Covenants. The approach is reverent, yet encyclopedic, with each of the 19 chapters and 8 appendices being a self-contained look at various facets of the plural unity of God. The fully annotated text also includes a bibliography, author and Scripture indices, an epilogue addressing Jewish issues, and a glossary of terms. The reader may be surprised to discover that the great preponderance of references to God's triunity occur in the Old Covenant Scriptures. The author, John B. Metzger, considers each reference diligently, and brings along the commentary of a host of solid Bible teachers, including those from the Messianic Jewish perspective, to give the reader access to rich food for thought. This 936-page, unparalleled resource is the work of seven years, with references to Scriptures from almost every book in the Bible. Serious theology students, seminaries, and church libraries will benefit from this engaging tour of God's Word in search of new understanding of God's nature from the richness of the Bible's Jewish perspective.
"I was delighted and fascinated with what I found in this book. [John Metzger] has produced a very careful, exegetical study of not only the names of God, plural descriptions of God, but also he has given a strong case for the tri-unity of God in the Old Testament. Pastors and laypersons will find enormous help in discussions such as the angel of the Lord, the meaning of the great Shema in Deuteronomy 6:4, with a great discussion of the precise meaning of the phrase "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God is one." This is a much-needed tool to correct and inform the dialogue between Christians and Jewish people as well as for Christians to understand better their own doctrine of the Trinity. This work should bring great blessing to the body of Christ everywhere." — Walter Kaiser
"John Metzger provides not only comprehensive, biblical based theology of Trinitarianism but a magnificent apologetic work on this cardinal doctrine of the Christian Faith. Moreover, the irenic tone in which it is articulated is designed to build bridges of understanding to the adherents of strict monotheism of Judaism by demonstrating that the God…of their fathers is at the same time one God existing in three persons. Metzger's scholarly presentation of the biblical data is flavored by an evangelistic urgency that those who are so close and yet so far from the faith might become believers in the God of their fathers who is the Triune God." — Eugene H. Merrill
"Finally, a useful book on the Triune nature of God! For years both in sharing the Good News of Messiah and in planting messianic congregations, we've lacked a suitable book for teaching on this profound and essential doctrine of the faith. In both communicating to the non-believing Jewish community or in messianic discipleship there has been an evident and great need that is met by John Metzger's book." — Sam Nadler
"The concept of the triune nature of the God of Israel, as taught even by the Hebrew Scriptures, has traditionally been the hardest thing for Jewish people to believe and accept. Often, no matter how well it is explained, Jewish people still tend to conclude that "Christianity" actually teaches the concept of three different gods. Even among some circles of Messianic Jews, this is a difficult teaching to accept and is also denied by some who affirm to believe in the Messiahship of Yhua (Jesus). While the New Testament does present the concept of the Trinity in a clearer manner, yet even many New Testament believers have a difficulty in explaining the concept in a way that does not cross the line from monotheism to tritheism. New Testament believers certainly affirm the concept but have a difficult time explaining it. So how does one explain the inexplicable? This is what John Metzger has zealously endeavored to do in this volume, and he has done a superb job in both expounding what both testaments teach on the subject and explaining it in a way that communicates to the uninitiated. While a complete understanding of the Three in One would not be possible this side of eternity, this work is one of the best I have seen in bringing out the clarity of Scripture on the subject." — Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
- eBOOK PDF via download
- 950 pages
- Approximate download file size is 5.94MB
Di-s en eclipse: Di-s no siempre ha guardado silencio (epub)
por John B. Metzger
¿Murió Di-s en el Holocausto con el pueblo judío? Ya que no lo hizo, ¿por qué está tan callado con Su pueblo Israel y por qué han sufrido tanto? ¿Cuál es el tema de las Escrituras? ¿Por qué Di-s se tomó el tiempo y la molestia de tener Su palabra escrita por Moisés y los profetas?
Este libro está escrito para usted que nació judío, pero tanto si es judío como gentil, encontrará este libro muy útil para entender el tema principal que Di-s quería que el pueblo judío conociera. Él quería que los judíos nos transmitieran a nosotros los gentiles ese tema promario para que nosotros, como gentiles, conociéramos al Di-s de Israel y creyéramos en Él. El pueblo judío tenía un mandato de Di-s; debían ser una nación sacerdotal que actuara como mediador entre las naciones y Di-s. Sin embargo, Israel, el pueblo elegido, perdió de vista el mensaje que debían dar al mundo. Debido a que Israel no cumplió su propósito y caminó en desobediencia a Él, Di-s ha sido eclipsado de Su pueblo. En este libro aprenderá el tema principal de las Escrituras y cómo el pueblo judío de hoy puede eliminar el eclipse que les oculta el rostro de Di-s.
- Libro electrónico para lectores Kindle y Epub
- 178 paginas
- El tamaño aproximado del archivo de descarga es 2.8 MB
Faith Alone: The Condition of Our Salvation E-Book (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
An exposition of the Book of Galatians and other relevant topics.
Exactly what must one do to receive eternal life? The answer should be easy for Bible believing followers of Messiah, but too many believers think they can and need to add to their salvation some kind of work. Salvation by grace through faith seems inadequate.
In Faith Alone, Arnold Fruchtenbaum expounds on the necessary condition of salvation. He compares the Law of Moses with the Law of Messiah and responds to those who contend that salvation is earned by works or obedience to the Law of Moses. By looking closely at Paul's arguments in his letter to the Galatians, Dr. Fruchtenbaum expounds the truth that salvation is indeed by grace through faith alone.
"After 30 years of involvement with our Messianic movement, I know we need this book! Confusion exists regarding Law and Grace, and the message of Messiah's Good News will be brought into clear focus for both Jewish and Gentile believers by this book." — Mottel Baleston, Messianic Jewish Teacher
"The title of this book, Faith Alone: The Condition of our Salvation, reflects the 2000 year old battle still raging concerning the understanding of the relationship between faith and works. What are the conditions toward salvation? What role does faith and works employ towards ones' salvation? Some have misunderstood the words of James and have erringly put him in opposition to Paul as concerning this fundamental teaching; Dr. Fruchtenbaum demonstrates that both of these New Testament writers spoke under the same Spirit. His exceptional linear exposition on this subject will clarify this deeply important doctrine." — Jacques Isaac Gabizon, Pastor, Leader of Beth Ariel Messianic Congregation, Montreal, Quebec
Based upon Messianic Bible Studies: The Book of Galatians, The Law of Moses and the Law of Messiah, The Conditions of Salvation, and The Lordship of the Messiah (purchased here individually), this fully revised volume beautifully unifies the theme of "faith alone" from the book of Galatians and beyond, now with newly expanded material including answers to objections.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- Approximate download file size is 2MB
God in Eclipse - epub
by John B. Metzger
"Did G-d die in the Holocaust with the Jewish people? Since He did not, why is He so silent to His people Israel and why have the Jewish people suffered so much over the centuries? What is the theme of the Scriptures and why did G-d use centuries of time to have His Word written down by Moses and the prophets?
This book is written to you of Jewish birth, but whether you are Jewish or not you will find this book essential to understanding the primary theme that G-d wants mankind to know. He wanted the sons of Abraham to transmit that primary theme to all the nations of the world so all would know the G-d of Israel and believe in Him. Jewish people had a mandate from G-d to be a priestly nation, acting as the mediator between the nations and G-d. Yet, Israel the chosen people, lost sight of the message that was commissioned to them to give to the world. Because Israel did not fulfill its purpose and walked in disobedience to Him, G-d has been eclipsed from His people. In this book you will learn the primary theme of the Scriptures and how you can remove the eclipse that is hiding the face of G-d from you."
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 227 pages
- Approximate download file size is 2.48 MB
God in Eclipse - PDF
by John B. Metzger
"Did G-d die in the Holocaust with the Jewish people? Since He did not, why is He so silent to His people Israel and why have the Jewish people suffered so much over the centuries? What is the theme of the Scriptures and why did G-d use centuries of time to have His Word written down by Moses and the prophets?
This book is written to you of Jewish birth, but whether you are Jewish or not you will find this book essential to understanding the primary theme that G-d wants mankind to know. He wanted the sons of Abraham to transmit that primary theme to all the nations of the world so all would know the G-d of Israel and believe in Him. Jewish people had a mandate from G-d to be a priestly nation, acting as the mediator between the nations and G-d. Yet, Israel the chosen people, lost sight of the message that was commissioned to them to give to the world. Because Israel did not fulfill its purpose and walked in disobedience to Him, G-d has been eclipsed from His people. In this book you will learn the primary theme of the Scriptures and how you can remove the eclipse that is hiding the face of G-d from you."
- PDF via Download
- 227 pages
- Approximate download file size is 1.64 MB
God's Will, Man's Will (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
The age-old antinomy still rages today. If people are really able to make moral, meaningful decisions, then somehow they must be able to act against God's will. But if people can act against God's will, then how can God be said to be sovereign? In other words, how can we be both free and predestined at the same time? Dr. Fruchtenbaum offers a balanced and biblical plea in this engaging study that examines the issues of God's sovereignty in relation to human responsibility.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 101 pages
- Approximate download file size is 481KB
Ha-Mashiach - (epub)
by Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Th.M., Ph.D.
Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures (formerly entitled Messianic Christology, now freshly reformatted with an updated introduction) is a study of prophecy concerning the First Coming of the Messiah. Dr. Fruchtenbaum works his way through the Hebrew Scriptures and shows from The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings how the revelation of the Messiah gradually progressed and built-up to reveal a magnificent picture of the Deliverer to come.
When the messianic expectations of Hebrew prophecy are fully understood, it becomes clear who alone can fulfill these requirements.
Do You Know?
- That Chavah (Eve) mistakenly thought she had given birth to the promised God-Man?
- That there are two distinct prophesies in Isaiah 7, one to the wicked king Ahaz and another to the whole house of David?
- That Daniel 9 is only one of seven prophesies that insist upon Messiah's appearance on earth before a very significant historical event?
- That the covenant recorded in II Samuel 7 refers to a different person than the parallel passage in I Chronicles 17?
- Why Lamech believed his son was to be the Messiah?
Ha-Mashiach: The Messiah of the Hebrew Scriptures is an absorbing study that will answer these and many more questions, strengthen your faith,
bless your heart, and invigorate your worship of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 200 pages
- Approximate download file size is 11.0 MB