Israel Betrayed: The History of Replacement Theology & The Rise of Christian Palestinianism (epub)
by: Andrew D. Robinson & Paul R. Wilkinson
Both volumes now as one digital epub file for one low price!
Israel Betrayed comprehensively surveys and refutes replacement theology and its modern-day manifestation, Christian Palestinianism. Published by Ariel Ministries, this work is a tour de force in defense and support of God's eternal promises to the Jewish people.
In Part 1, Andrew D. Robinson charts the history of replacement theology from the post-Apostolic period through to the close of the nineteenth century, covering in detail the early ecumenical church councils, the Crusades, the Dark Ages of Roman Catholic supremacy, the Protestant Reformation, and the history of the Jewish people in Britain.
In Part 2, Paul R. Wilkinson charts and examines the rise of pro-Palestinianism in the church, showing how its proponents have internalized replacement theology and aligned themselves with Rome and Islam in their opposition to Israel.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- Israel Betrayed
- Approximate download size is 3.56 MB
"Andrew Robinson and Paul Wilkinson have left no stone unturned in Israel Betrayed. Their shocking exposé of the tragic results of anti-Semitic replacement theology is indicting, convicting, and challenging." Dr. Ed Hindson, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
"Israel Betrayed clearly labels individuals responsible for replacement theology and also shows what the Bible actually teaches about these matters. This work is highly recommended." Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, San Antonio, TX
"The research in this book is thorough and up-to-date, the arguments are compelling, and the numerous illustrations are interesting and relevant. Never has such a work been more needed than today." Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, TX
"Andrew Robinson and Paul Wilkinson have produced one of the most important books relating to the rise and development of the modern State of Israel." Dr. Thomas Ice, Pre-Trib Research Center, Kansas City, MO
"It would be presumptuous for any researchers and writers to attempt to survey, much less correct, the vast history of belief and tradition that has formed the interpretive ideas concerning Israel and the church, but that is precisely what the late pastor Andrew Robinson and historical scholar Paul Wilkinson have successfully done." Dr. Randall Price, Rawlings School of Divinity, Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA
The book is a tour de force that must be reckoned with by those who claim to be Christians while despising the Jewish people and the modern State of Israel. Dr. David R. Reagan, Lamb & Lion Ministries, Dallas, TX
This book will not only help restore to your thinking Israel's rightful place, but it will also equip you to teach this important truth to others. This work receives my highest recommendation. Dr. Andy Woods, Chafer Theological Seminary, Albuquerque, NM
Israelology: The Missing Link In Systematic Theology (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
One's view of Israel is key in determining one's theology, and this groundbreaking study scrutinizes beliefs that tend to confuse the identities of both Israel and the Church. It is the first to create an entire systematic theology of all that the Scriptures say in regard to the people of Israel. As such, Israelology fills a tremendously neglected void, while affecting nearly every other segment of systematic theology and directly addressing a crucial point of division in evangelical theology today.
Dr. Fruchtenbaum's masterful book, written over a 13-year period to earn his Ph.D. from New York University, exhaustively surveys every aspect of Israel's past, present and future from the perspective of four major schools of theology (postmillennialism, amillennialism, premillennialism and dispensationalism). Its far-reaching conclusion is that only the last, with its clear distinction between Israel and the Church, can, in fact, provide a systematized biblical doctrine of Israel. But even dispensationalists – while organizing every other major Scriptural theme from the Church (Ecclesiology) to Salvation (Soteriology) to Last Days (Eschatology) – have failed to develop a systematic theology of one of the Bible's most integral subjects, Israel. Until now ... Israelology pioneers a fully dispensational approach to this topic, proving that it is central to a proper systematic theology and, thus, critical in terms of issues such as Messiah's return, evangelism, anti-Semitism and, ultimately, God's entire agenda for Jews and Gentiles alike.
The Biblical Evangelist called Israelology a "tremendous, masterful book... Amillennialism, postmillennialism and other forms of Covenant Theology go up in smoke under the withering blaze of biblical light Fruchtenbaum places on them."
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 1,100 pages
- Approximate download file size is 991KB
Israel's Only Hope - (epub)
by John B. Metzger
What is the New Covenant? In Jewish and Christian circles this subject will get a blank expression and a movement of the shoulder saying, "I don't know anything about it." Both Jewish and Christian audiences have a very inadequate understanding of this covenant. Jewish people do not understand it because they are completely focused on Rabbinic Law and do not understand that the law only judges and condemns a sinner, it does not remove sin. Whereas, the New Covenant gives everlasting life. It does what the Law was incapable of doing. Most church going Christians are aware of the term New Covenant, yet they have little understanding of the ramifications of the New Covenant to the church. The New Covenant is a Jewish Covenant, the church does not own it or possess it for themselves, it is a Jewish covenant! Yet the New Covenant literally echoes off of every page of the New Testament whether it was written by Paul, Peter, James or John.
After reading this book you will have biblical understanding but even more important a spiritual understanding of your place in the Messiah and God's fulfillment of all the eternal covenants made with Israel that He will fulfill in the Kingdom. This will give you a biblical understanding of what the Messiah of Israel did on the tree [cross]. The New Covenant is the glue that puts together the Abrahamic, Land, Davidic and New Covenants and wraps them all around the person of Yhua [Jesus] the Messiah. Come with me and follow this covenant through the Hebrew Scriptures into the New Testament.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- Approximate download size is 6.70 MB
Israel's Only Hope - (PDF)
by John B. Metzger
What is the New Covenant? In Jewish and Christian circles this subject will get a blank expression and a movement of the shoulder saying, "I don't know anything about it." Both Jewish and Christian audiences have a very inadequate understanding of this covenant. Jewish people do not understand it because they are completely focused on Rabbinic Law and do not understand that the law only judges and condemns a sinner, it does not remove sin. Whereas, the New Covenant gives everlasting life. It does what the Law was incapable of doing. Most church going Christians are aware of the term New Covenant, yet they have little understanding of the ramifications of the New Covenant to the church. The New Covenant is a Jewish Covenant, the church does not own it or possess it for themselves, it is a Jewish covenant! Yet the New Covenant literally echoes off of every page of the New Testament whether it was written by Paul, Peter, James or John.
After reading this book you will have biblical understanding but even more important a spiritual understanding of your place in the Messiah and God's fulfillment of all the eternal covenants made with Israel that He will fulfill in the Kingdom. This will give you a biblical understanding of what the Messiah of Israel did on the tree [cross]. The New Covenant is the glue that puts together the Abrahamic, Land, Davidic and New Covenants and wraps them all around the person of Yhua [Jesus] the Messiah. Come with me and follow this covenant through the Hebrew Scriptures into the New Testament.
- eBook in PDF format (.pdf) via download
- Approximate download size is 1.90 MB
Israel: The Inheritance of God (epub)
by: Paul R. Wilkinson
Israel: The Inheritance of God sheds light on the reasons behind God's choice of Israel as His people. When studying these reasons, one has to dig deep into the Scriptures. The picture that emerges is of a God whose connection to Israel is unbroken because of His own nature and character. Since He put His name on Israel and thus made the people His possession, He must fulfill the promises He made to Israel. The focus shifts from Israel to the God of Israel, and the reader cannot help but walk away with a deeper adoration for this God. The book is thorough and scholarly yet also devotional in tone.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 260 pages
- Approximate file size is 760 KB
Jesús era un Judío
por Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
traducida por Esther Sarfatti
¿Quién fue Jesús de Nazaret? Controversia sobre la respuesta, aún continúa hoy. ¿Fue Jesús simplemente un buen profesor? ¿Fue El un reformador religioso bienintencionado pero confuso? ¿Fue El un discípulo de otro maestro? Independientemente de su opinión, un hecho pasado por alto es: Jesús era un judío. ¿Buscando respuestas en cuanto a la verdadera identidad de Jesús de Nazaret? Arnold Fruchtenbaum, autor de Jesús Era un Judío, embarcó en su propia búsqueda personal. Documenta las opiniones de muchos de los líderes judíos. Lidia con la esperanza mesiánica. También examina, con honestidad y perspicacia, las objeciones judías hacia Jesús. Jesús era un Judío contiene entrevistas a personas, concerniente a lo que ellos creen acerca de Jesús.
• Libro electrónico para lectores Kindle y Epub
• 135 paginas
• El tamaño aproximado del archivo de descarga es 900 KB
La Palabra De Dios Su Naturaleza Y Contenido (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Ven y Ve es una colección de múltiples volúmenes de estudios bíblicos mesianicos, transcritos de las transmisiones de radio del Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum. Cada estudio es un cimiento sílido en el cual se puede confiar—una pizarra con la cual se puede enseñar—o un podio desde el cual se puede predicar la verdad absoluta a su congregación, Ven y Ve le edificará en sus devonciones personales o en el estudio en pequeños grupos biblicos, sin importar qué topicó usted escoja.
El volumen 1 de Ven y Ve es una colección de cinco estudios biblicos mesiánicos pertenecientes a la Biblia misma. Este campo de estudios se llama Bibliología, la doctrina de las Escrituras. Más específicamente, los estudios en esta colección examinan la revelación, inspiración y el programa divino de la Bibla.
• ebook para no kindle (.epub) mediante descarga
• 166 paginas
• El tamaño aproximado del archivo de descarga es 3.22 MB
Man and Sin: Understanding Biblical Anthropology and Hamartiology (eBook)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Come and See is a multi-volume collection of Messianic Bible studies that covers all topics of systematic theology. Volume 6 of this series deals with Anthropology, the nature and origin of man, and Hamartiology, the doctrine of sin.
The author’s unique focus of looking at the Scriptures from a Messianic Jewish and dispensational perspective adds an intriguing dimension to these fields of systematic theology. The questions and study suggestions at the end of the chapters will challenge anyone who desires to dig deeper into the Word of God.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers: 217 pages
- Approximate download size: 410 KB
- ISBN: 978-1-951059-91-0
Messiah Yeshua, Divine Redeemer: Christology from a Messianic Jewish Perspective (epub)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
C&S Volume 3: The Come and See series is a multi-volume collection of Messianic Bible Studies transcribed from Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum's original radio broadcasts. Each study is a solid foundation upon which you can stand or from which you can teach. The texts will edify you in your personal devotion or small group Bible study regardless of which topic you choose.
Volume 3 of Come and See is a comprehensive study of the Son of God. Dr. Fruchtenbaum's unique focus of looking at Yhua (Jesus) from a Messianic Jewish perspective adds a dimension to this field of systematic theology that is often missing in the church today. The author works his way through the Hebrew Scriptures and shows how the revelation of the Messiah gradually progressed to reveal a magnificent picture of the Deliverer to come. The study of the life of the Messiah and theologically relevant topics, such as the Incarnation and the Crucifixion, profits from this Jewish frame of reference as well. The questions and study suggestions at the end of the chapters will challenge anyone who desires to dig deeper into the Word of God.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 232 pages
- Approximate download file size is 1.77 MB
Poking God's Eye (epub)
By John Metzger
Who in the world would want to poke the God of the universe in the eye? Ouch, that would hurt! Zechariah says, . . . for he that touches the apple [pupil] of His eye. God loves His people Israel and calls them the apple of His eye, a term of endearment, meaning that He loves them and protects them.
Does God mind if we poke His eye? He says that He does. When anyone harms His people Israel, He will harm them in kind. When anyone blesses His people Israel, He will bless them in return. He made that promise 4,000 years ago, and He has been faithful to keep it, from then until today.
Genesis 12:3: I will bless them that bless you and curse him that curses you.
This promise is part of God's eternal covenant with Abraham. Many people have forgotten this covenant or think that it is no longer in effect; but the Bible and human history show otherwise, as John B. Metzger points out in detail, giving detail accounts of blessings and curses from the Bible, inter-testament times, and recent history that proves this point. It does matter if we poke God in the eye! With discernment on what God's Word is saying, we can receive God's rich blessings instead of His cursings!
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 353 pages
- Approximate download file size is 2.37 MB
Ruach HaKodesh: God the Holy Spirit (epub)
Messianic Jewish Perspectives on Pneumatology
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
The Come and See series is a multi-volume collection of Messianic Bible Studies. Volume 4 of this series deals with pneumatology and is a comprehensive study of God the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh). The author's unique focus of looking at the third Person of the Trinity from a Messianic Jewish perspective adds an intriguing dimension to this field of systematic theology.
The study examines the Person of the Holy Spirit as well as His deity, works, and gifts. It offers extensive insight into typology and answers important questions, such as whether believers can sin against the Holy Spirit and if only people who "speak in tongues" are truly saved. The questions and study suggestions at the end of the chapters will challenge anyone who desires to dig deeper into the Word of God.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 214 pages
- Aproximate download file size is 4.97 MB
Shoshanah's Legacy (epub)
The Uplifting and Inspiring Stories Behind Ariel Ministries' Camp Shoshanah in the Adirondacks
By L. Jesse Grace
The third in a trilogy (Chosen Fruit, Ariel's Trials and Triumphs), this book unfolds the uniquely inspiring stories of the many unsung heroes and heroines that shaped Camp Shoshanah from its rudimentary beginnings in 1974 to a state-of-the-art conference facility today. It is a precious legacy reflecting the mighty work of God's Holy Spirit and pointing to Ariel's ongoing mission and hope for the future.
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 300 pages
- Approximate download file size is 11 MB
- ISBN: 978-1-958552-00-1