The Footsteps of the Messiah: A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
Narrated by Rob Holding
Using the Book of Revelation as an end time road map, Dr. Fruchtenbaum weaves the prophetic writings of the Hebrew Scriptures together with Messiah's teachings to reveal God's plan for the future of Israel and the world. "Footsteps" masterfully gathers together the many pieces of the prophetic puzzle and places them in an easy to follow sequential order.This latest 2020 edition features a newly edited text as well as Dr. Fruchtenbaum's altered view of II Thessalonians 2:3 based on fresh scholarly research.
This new audiobook format narrated and produced by Rob Holding in cooperation with Ariel Ministries, will provide the listener many fruitful hours of in depth instruction from a Messianic Jewish perspective on God's prophetic program.
- The Footsteps of the Messiah Audiobook
- Download File unzips to 53 MP3 Files
- Total listening time is over 28 hours
The Footsteps of the Messiah:
Study Guide (Pre-Printed)
by Jackie Sciascia and Laina Maher
Jackie and Laina's burning desire to teach the illuminating truths of Dr. Fruchtenbaum's landmark work on prophecy led them to develop this remarkable study guide. Years of effort by these longtime friends of the ministry have gone into the writing and refinement of this new resource. The study guide has been tested for more than three years, with over one hundred students in various classroom settings. Designed around a straight forward question and answer format, the guide works equally well for large, small, or even home groups. Student response has been enthusiastic:
- "This is a great guide, makes Footsteps easy to understand..."
- "Could not have done it without the guide..."
- "Good questions, makes you think..."
- "Love all the bullet points in the guide..."
- "After taking this class using the guide, I have decided to lead a group out of my home."
A recent email comment from Debora C. in Montana:"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have taught Eschatology through three times (and am halfway through another class right now) using Footsteps as the primary resource. The best I could come up with was a hodgepodge of mismatched, seat-of-the-pants note guides to teach from. I'm always thinking 'I should carve out some time and make a workbook to minimize the amount of review I wind up doing.' Imagine my great delight when I logged on to and saw the new Footsteps Study Guide!"
If you are a group leader, this guide is an essential tool that will help you effectively communicate what the Bible teaches about what is yet to come. For personal study, this guide will prove invaluable to your grasp of the rich eschatological treasures awaiting discovery in Dr. Fruchtenbaum's "The Footsteps Of The Messiah."
- 354 pages pre-printed on quality paper
- 3 hole punched ready for a binder.
- SAMPLE: click here to view the first chapter.
Las Huellas del Mesias: Un Estudio del la Secuencia de Eventos Profeticos (The Footsteps of the Messiah)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Sin duda alguna, la mayoría de los creyentes en todo el mundo testificarían que vivimos en los tiempos del fin. Con ansias ellos esperan que su Salvador les lleve al cielo mientras se alientan los unos a los otros con las palabras del apóstol Pablo en I Tesalonicenses 4:13-17. La esperanza de los creyentes crece con cada libro y cada película que trata sobre las promesas de la Biblia. Probablemente la serie más popular jamás publicada sobre los tiempos del fin fue escrita por el Dr. Tim LaHaye y Jerry B. Jenkins, titulada Dejados Atrás. Ha vendido millones de ejemplares y ha sido adaptada en cuatro películas hasta ahora. La serie está basada en uno de los estudios sobre los tiempos del fin titulado Las Huellas del Mesías. Cuando se le preguntó por qué él escogió esta obra como base para su exitosa serie, el Dr. LaHaye respondió, "Porque es el libro más sistemático y lógico sobre el tópico de los tiempos del fin".
El libro que ahora usted tiene en sus manos es la traducción de esta importante obra. La responsabilidad principal de este libro es la de ser un studio de profecía en relación a la secuencia de eventos.
- Hardcover: 956 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-65-3
The Footsteps of the Messiah: - Revised 2020 Edition
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Using the Book of Revelation as an end time road map, Dr. Fruchtenbaum weaves the prophetic writings of the Hebrew Scriptures and Messiah's teachings to reveal God's plan for the future of Israel and the world. Dr. Fruchtenbaum gathers the many pieces of the prophetic puzzle and places them in sequential order with the result summed up by Dr. Charles Ryrie in his foreword: "Those who read this book cannot help but be instructed and stimulated by his work."
Footsteps is detailed, thorough and scholarly, yet written in a style that the average reader can easily understand. With a wealth of wisdom drawn from his Jewish background and extensive research, the author even tackles the "problem passages" to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire range of prophetic truth."In a thoroughly biblical, balanced, and clear presentation, Arnold Fruchtenbaum plainly lays out God's plan for the future while avoiding the sensational errors of other prophetic writers. I have relied on this book as a resource for years." — Michael Rydelnik, Professor of Jewish Studies Program, Moody Bible Institute
- Hardcover: 816 pages
- ISBN: 978-1-951059-59-0
The Footsteps of the Messiah - Revised 2020 Edition (epub)
by Dr. Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum
"The 2020 revision primarily focuses on correcting some formatting and spelling inconsistencies of the 2003-edition of this work as well as the editing of the text to improve its readability. Furthermore, it includes a new topical index as well as my altered view of II Thessalonians 2:3, which I developed after additional research of new scholarly work, such as Dr. Andy Woods' "The Falling Away - Spiritual Departure or Physical Rapture?", published in 2018 by Dispensational Publishing House."
Arnold G. Fruchtenbaum - March 2020
Using the Book of Revelation as an end time road map, Dr. Fruchtenbaum weaves the prophetic writings of the Hebrew Scriptures and Messiah's teachings to reveal God's plan for the future of Israel and the world. Dr. Fruchtenbaum gathers the many pieces of the prophetic puzzle and places them in sequential order with the result summed up by Dr. Charles Ryrie in his foreword: "Those who read this book cannot help but be instructed and stimulated by his work."
Footsteps is detailed, thorough and scholarly, yet written in a style that the average reader can easily understand. With a wealth of wisdom drawn from his Jewish background and extensive research, the author even tackles the "problem passages" to provide a comprehensive overview of the entire range of prophetic truth."In a thoroughly biblical, balanced, and clear presentation, Arnold Fruchtenbaum plainly lays out God's plan for the future while avoiding the sensational errors of other prophetic writers. I have relied on this book as a resource for years." — Michael Rydelnik, Professor of Jewish Studies Program, Moody Bible Institute
- Ebook for Kindle and Epub readers
- 816 pages
- Approximate download file size is 5.3 MB
The Footsteps of the Messiah Study Guide - PDF
by Jackie Sciascia and Laina Maher
Jackie and Laina's burning desire to teach the illuminating truths of Dr. Fruchtenbaum's landmark work on prophecy led them to develop this remarkable study guide. Years of effort by these longtime friends of the ministry have gone into the writing and refinement of this new resource. The study guide has been tested for more than three years, with over one hundred students in various classroom settings. Designed around a straight forward question and answer format, the guide works equally well for large, small, or even home groups. This downloadable PDF file allows the teacher or student to use their computer or other device to type in their answers, and then modify them at anytime following further study or class discussion. Student response has been enthusiastic:
- "This is a great guide, makes Footsteps easy to understand..."
- "Could not have done it without the guide..."
- "Good questions, makes you think..."
- "Love all the bullet points in the guide..."
- "After taking this class using the guide, I have decided to lead a group out of my home."
A recent email comment from Debora C. in Montana:"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have taught Eschatology through three times (and am halfway through another class right now) using Footsteps as the primary resource. The best I could come up with was a hodgepodge of mismatched, seat-of-the-pants note guides to teach from. I'm always thinking 'I should carve out some time and make a workbook to minimize the amount of review I wind up doing.' Imagine my great delight when I logged on to and saw the new Footsteps Study Guide!"
If you are a group leader, this guide is an essential tool that will help you effectively communicate what the Bible teaches about what is yet to come. For personal study, this guide will prove invaluable to your grasp of the rich eschatological treasures awaiting discovery in Dr. Fruchtenbaum's "The Footsteps Of The Messiah."
- PDF via download
- 354 pages
- Approximate download file size is 2.78MB
- SAMPLE: click here to view the first chapter.
Mesijinim stopama
Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Koristeći se knjigom Otkrivenja, kao kartom posljednjih vremena, dr. Fruchtebaum povezuje proročke hebrejske spise s Mesijinim učenjima ne bi li razotkrio Božji plan za budućnost Izraela i svijeta. Dr. Fructhtebaum skuplja dijelove proročke slagalice na jedno mjesto, sekvencionalno, što rezultira onim što je dr. Charles Ryrie sažeo u predgovoru kao: „Oni koji čitaju ovu knjigu, ne mogu ne biti poučeni i potaknuti njegovim radom.“
Knjiga je podrobna, iscrpna, znanstvena, a ipak pisana razumljivo da bi je svaki prosječni čitatelj mogao razumjeti. Bogatstvo mudrosti osobnoga hebrejskog podrijetla i opsežno istraživanje, urodili su time da se autor dotiče čak i „problematičnih odlomaka“ da bi razumljivo prikazao cijeli raspon proročkih istina.
Michael Rydelnik, profesor židovskih nauka na Moody Bible Institutu kaže: “A. Fruchtebaum ima temeljit, uravnotežen i integriran biblijski pristup te jasno izlaže Božji plan za budućnost, a da ne podliježe senzacionalizmu kao mnogi drugi autori. Godinama se oslanjam na ovu knjigu kao na izvor.“
Hrvatski prijevod knjige dostupan je u PDF-u na našoj mrežnoj stranici
De Voetstappen Van De Messias
Footsteps of the Messiah in Dutch (epub)
Tim LaHaye, schrijver van o.a. de bekende serie Left Behind (de Laatste Bazuin), schreef over De Voetstappen van de Messias: "Dr. Fruchtenbaum benadert het moeilijke onderwerp van de eindtijd theologie op een verrassend logische en systematische manier. Het resultaat is een boek dat interessant is voor de leek maar ook voor de ervaren onderzoeker."
Sur Les Traces Du Messie (French)
by Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum
French translation of “The Footsteps of the Messiah”
En utilisant le Livre de l'Apocalypse comme une feuille de route de la fin des temps, le Dr Fruchtenbaum tisse les écrits prophétiques des Écritures hébraïques et les enseignements du Messie pour révéler le plan de Dieu pour l'avenir d'Israël et du monde. Dr Fruchtenbaum rassemble les nombreuses pièces du puzzle prophétique et les place dans l'ordre séquentiel avec le résultat résumé par le Dr Charles Ryrie dans son avant-propos: Ceux qui lisent ce livre ne peut s'empêcher d'être instruit et stimulé par son travail.
Pas à pas est détaillé, approfondie et savante, mais écrit dans un style que le lecteur moyen peut facilement comprendre. Avec une richesse de sagesse tirée de son passé juif et de la recherche approfondie, l'auteur aborde même les "passages de problème" pour fournir un aperçu complet de la gamme entière de vérité prophétique. "Dans une présentation complètement biblique, équilibrée et claire, Arnold Fruchtenbaum expose clairement le plan de Dieu pour l'avenir tout en évitant les erreurs sensationnelles des autres écrivains prophétiques. Je me suis appuyé sur ce livre comme une ressource depuis des années."- Michael Rydelnik, professeur de programme d'études juives, Moody Bible Institute
Vingt ans d'enseignement de l'Eschatologie depuis l'écriture originale de ce livre a donné au Dr Fruchtenbaum des réflexions supplémentaires sur certains passages. Cette édition mise à jour comprend cinq nouvelles annexes au livre.>
- eBook PDF via download
- 950 pages
- Language: French
- Approximate download file size is 5.33MB
- ISBN: 978-1-935174-10-3